
Filter functions for matched filtering, pulse-shaping and impairment simulation.


filter_signal(signal, fs, cutoff[, ftype, ...])

Apply an analog filter to a signal for simulating e.g.

moving_average(sig[, N])

Moving average of signal

pre_filter(signal, bw)

Low-pass pre-filter signal with square shape filter

pre_filter_wdm(signal, bw, os[, center_freq])

Ideal LP filter for selecting part of the spectrum.

rrcos_freq(f, beta, T)

Frequency transfer function of the square-root-raised cosine filter with a given roll-off factor and time width/sampling period after _[1]

rrcos_pulseshaping(sig, fs, T, beta[, taps])

Root-raised cosine filter applied in the time domain using fftconvolve.

rrcos_time(t, beta, T)

Time impulse response of the square-root-raised cosine filter with a given roll-off factor and time width/sampling period after _[1] This implementation differs by a factor 2 from the previous.